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Be an Innkeeper: Transform Lives Like Ed's at Family Promise

T.J. Putman

Ed’s life wasn’t going quite the way he had planned. In his mind, he had designed the “perfect” life.

·      A sweet house.

·      The family he always wanted.

·      A steady job.

·      Great health.


            Unfortunately, reality was not so kind. At first, he had that great life he always wanted. He was renting a lovely bungalow for his wife and their two children. He had a job that he (almost) loved. And his health was good.


            It’s not clear what happened – or in what order – but Ed ended up getting a divorce, he got a long bout of COVID, and he was laid off. He could no longer afford that picture-perfect bungalow. His wife left town and he became the sole provider for his children.


            Ed and his kids suddenly needed a place like Family Promise.


            I’m coming to you and asking you to help families like Ed’s. I especially want to ask you to consider walking alongside all the Ed’s at Family Promise. I’m asking you to become a monthly “Innkeeper” sustaining donor.




The name is perfect for our monthly donors because it directly relates to the work that Innkeepers and Family Promise make possible.


·      Innkeepers open their doors to people in need.

·      Innkeepers ensure their guests have a warm place to stay.

·      Innkeepers have delicious food waiting on the table.

·      Innkeepers help find future lodging for their guests.

·      Innkeepers are always there; you can count on them.


Because we can depend on your consistent, monthly support, the Innkeepers of Family Promise help make the work we do possible. We can do it with more confidence knowing that we are on reliable financial footing.


            Currently, many of you have said “yes” to being an Innkeeper. We are now looking to increase that number. To reach our goal of 100 Innkeepers!

         You can give a monthly amount that’s right for you.

Your monthly donation helps us have a steady stream of income. Once you set it up…no muss, no fuss – your donation is consistently making a difference.


Whatever you decide to give monthly ($5, $10, $50, maybe $100) will make a big impact on families like Ed’s.


Ed and his children were so blessed to have Family Promise available to them. Because of you, he moved into stable and safe housing and is getting his life back on track.


But there are more families out there whose dream of a “perfect” life has melted away. They need your help. They need an Innkeeper.


With gratitude,


T.J. Putman

Executive Director


P.S. Double your impact! A generous donor has said that if we get 25 new Innkeepers by May 30, they will donate $2,500. WOW! You can make this happen.


To meet the challenge and make our goal…fill out the enclosed Innkeeper form or sign-up online. Join other like-minded community members and become an Innkeeper at today.



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